At what point does vivisection become ‘evil’?
What kind of experiments go on?
If we accept that humans are equal to animals,
could animal testing be justified? (question brought up in class)
If we accept that humans are equal to animals, I still don’t
think that we could justify animal testing. If you are equal to them, you have
to think if you would want the testing done to yourself. Humans would say no,
so why would you do that to your equal? There is a sense of morals to it. With
human testing, there is consent, but with animals they are not able to say yes
or no. there are some testing that are done on humans but unlike animals they
are not killed after. Some people tend to believe that animals don’t have a
soul or conscious, but even if they don’t (which is something I do not believe)
that doesn’t justify for testing to be done on them and then ultimately them
being killed after. If they are supposed to be seen as our equals, we wouldn’t
kill humans after testing, would we? No. The only way to even possibly justify
animal testing is if humans were superior to beast. You would have to base it
off of the fact that animal testing is justifiable, which is flawed. Just
because you are higher up than someone or something does not mean you can
determines their fate. There are morals and ethics behind it.
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